Better than this by KEANE
기타리스트가 탈퇴해버리자 에라 그냥 셋이 가자 해서 기타 대신 피아노가 이끄는
락밴드 KEANE의 새앨범 Perfect Symmetry 에 실린 Better than this.
스타가 되고 싶은 Hope가 있었으나 막상 눈뜨고 보니 스타가 되어있어서 Fear를 느꼈다는,
놀라운 데뷔작 Hopes and Fears (2004) 를 지나,
두려움 속에 Under the Sea 로 숨어버린 듯한
두번째 앨범 Under The Iron Sea (2006) 가 다소 아쉬운 앨범이었다면,
이번 세번째 앨범은 본인들이 하고자/가고 싶은 것과
- Tom Chaplin 가라사대
'We've never wanted to be a small, cult band.
We want to get our music heard by as many people as we possibly can,
because that's why we're making it.'
- 거만하게 보일 수도 있지만;;; 아티스트라면 이정도 호기는 부릴 수 있어야 하지 않을까?
대중들의 기대 바램(을 져버렸다는 평도 있지만)을 <나름> 완벽하게 균형잡은
Perpect Symmetry (2008) 가 발매되었다.
1번 트랙 Spiralling 을 듣고 있으면, 귀에 거슬리기까지할 정도로 붕붕 거리는 비트의 전자음과
잔잔하게만 느껴졌던 Tom 의 째지는 하이톤이 괴상할 정도로 완벽한 균형 상태를 유지하고 있어서
마음에 든다.
Keane Live Performances At Later With Jools Holand
Is this what you meant?
Is this What you dreamed of?
When you were making Your plans
Shaking the dirt off?
Do you feel like you And I belong?
(Oh, ah, oh)
Just keep your eyes
On the road
And nothing can go wrong
You could do so much
Better than this
You could do so much
Better than this
I've been checking my sums
Oh where did the time go?
Holding my photograph up
To the window
Through the paper
A refracted sun
(Oh, ah, oh)
I can see all the things
I wish that I'd done
You can hang your hopes
On the bedsits masses
You can put your faith
In the foreign
You can tell yourself
You can do your best
You could do so much
Better than this
Get a grip on yourself
Get a grip on yourself
Could have been something
But you're too late
And you
Wouldn't want it anyway
Just a photograph
From the wrong time
'Cause there
Is no soap star
Holding your hand
You can see yourself
In a freeze-frame
Must be someone else
Using your name
And everyone
Will be the same
And everyone will __
And everywhere
You'll see your name
In every shop window
It's better than this
You could do so much
Better than this
You could do so much
Better than this
You could do so much
Better than this