Technological Culture/ADs
Cannes 2008
2008. 9. 27. 11:10
There are stories
and There are HBO stories.
'HBO만의' 스토리 혹은 눈에 보이는 진실과 그 너머의
짧디 짧은 스토리 속의 아주 작은 변화가 본질적인 차이를 낳는다는.
그야말로 스토리텔링의 힘.
현재 씨네큐브에서 절찬 상영중-
어느덧 5년째 관람중ㅎ
내가 니 아비다.
여성들이 꼽는 best place for hot sex 조사 (MH 2008 Sep)
비행기에서의 섹스: 5% 차지- : 믿거나말거나
문제는, 그 대상이 누구올시냐....ㅎ
아무튼 생일 축하.
영감............참 오래도 살았수다.
The HBO Stories campaign was developed at BBDO New York by chiefcreative officers David Lubars and Bill Bruce, executive creativedirector Don Schneider, copywriter Colin Nissan, art director MattVescovo, agency producer Rachel Seitel, music producer Loren Parkins,account supervisors Rob Rawley, Juliane Sunderland and Jessica Mailloux.
Filming was shot by Sam Mendes via RSA Films, New York, with director of photography John Mathieson.
Editor was Rick Russell at Final Cut. Sound was designed and arranged at Groove Addicts.
Music was provided by Thomas Newman, represented by Gorfaine/Schwarz Agency.
The Stories campaign won a Gold Film Lion award at Cannes International Advertising Festival.